Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. Hair Colour Consent Form HAIR COLOUR SKIN PATCH TEST Colour Consent and Waiver Form (Must be Filled, Agreed and Signed before you come for a hair colour appointment) Client Name *FirstLastEmail *Phone *Address *Address Line 1Address Line 2CityState / Province / RegionPostal CodeEmergency Contact Name *Emergency Contact Phone *Medical Conditions/Allergies *Current Medications * Hair Colour Service Agreement Hair Colour Service Agreement I am aware and understand that receiving any hair colour service can, in some individuals, cause an allergic reaction. I fully understand that this reaction can occur anytime, even if I have received this service on previous occasions. I further understand that it is the A Star Beauty salon’s policy to perform a skin patch test forty-eight (48) hours prior to all colour services. I also understand that a negative skin patch test does not mean that a reaction will not still occur. I understand these risks and, if I have any concerns, I will seek medical advice prior to any colour service. Further, I grant A Star Beauty permission to colour my hair and do not hold them responsible for any and all adverse health reactions from this service. I Accept a Patch Test *YESNODisclaimer and Consent *I am aware of the risks and benefits of salon procedures and provide my consent to participateClient's Signature * Clear Signature Disclaimer Consent Today's Today's Date *Submit